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Surviving the Pit

We all have experienced life's pitfalls and can find ourselves as the author of this story.

Engulfed in utter darkness, I could no longer see where I was or how to escape. Treading water was the only way to keep on breathing, so I did. The water, relentlessly pressing for my destruction, continued to seize each opportunity to fill my lungs as I coughed out cries of help, only which fell upon the deafness of the darkness. Fear and despair were weights chained to my ankles that I could barely fight against. Wildly clawing at the walls which defined my prison, I tried to find any sliver of hope to hold on to. Scraping my nails along the muddy walls, my fingertips found a possibility as they tried to anchor themselves on a small and fragile root. The root could not hold the weight of its burden, quickly broke, plummeting me back toward the watery abyss longing to consume me. Exhausted, hopeless, I began to succumb to the destruction which had been lying in wait for me; I could not fight anymore.

My path through life had its ups and downs; easy smooth stretches, other times bumpy, but mostly manageable. I knew that I never walked alone and could walk confidently in knowing just that. Wrapped in oblivion, my enemy took the advantage and set a trap for me. Completely unaware of the ambush awaiting me, I fell hard into the pit he had dug for my destruction. I now found myself in a pit of despair, hopelessness and death, with no idea of how to escape. All of my efforts failed miserably and set me back even farther than where I was before.

I felt the weight of my body sink below the waterline. In my darkness I heard someone say, "Rest in Me. Lie back and rest in Me." My mind raced as I tried to understand what the voice was saying to me. My recue had come, and not a moment too soon, but I could not process what he was saying.

"Rest in Me. Lie back and rest in Me."

Still resolved to dying, I only understood "lie back", so that is what I did. As soon as I had positioned my body to the spoken request, I found myself able to breathe once again. The life-giving air filled my lungs with the sweet scent of renewal and hope. I began to weep uncontrollably as I lie there on my back realizing that I was not going to die, but live. I cried out for my rescuer, but heard and saw no one. The darkness was so thick and my mind still unable to comprehend the fullness of my situation.

"Rest in Me. Lie back and rest in Me," I heard again as the sweet melodious sound of hope surrounded me. I felt as if I were lying in the hands of God Himself and for the first time since my fall, I felt myself rest. I began to pray and give thanks, continually professing the goodness and lovingkindness of the Lord. I don't know how much time had passed before I realized that the more I prayed, the higher the water rose. I could see the rays of light beginning to pierce my forethought grave until I was soon shielding my eyes from the glorious brilliance of the light. I had been in darkness for so long that it was as if I were seeing light for the very first time; it was breathtaking. The water rose to overflowing the path that I had previously been walking on so that I was able to stand once again on the other side. I stood for what seemed hours just looking at the newly created pool which hid the depth of the despair I had been trapped in for so long. The water never receded, but continued to overflow and water the surrounding area. Trees and flowers were now benefiting from its life giving power.

I still can remember every moment of my time in the pit, and when the fear, despair or hopelessness tries to creep back in, I remind myself of how I was saved and give thanks to Him who saved me.

"Rest in Me. Lie back and rest in Me."

Perhaps the greatest times of growth on our journeys through life have been in the depths of the darkest unforeseen pitfalls where it is only the Lord who can save us.

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