Live a Life of Purpose
Here is a list of my 10 things I have learned over the past year.
Change Starts Now
Don't wait for tomorrow to start implementing change in your life. Right now is the best time to start. It doesn't matter if you've already made the same mistakes today, make right now the time to shift your thinking and begin anew. Change starts now!
Don't Despise the Closed Door
When a door in your life closes, don't try and force it back open. Accept the closure, turn to face what's new, look ahead and move forward. New exciting opportunities and experiences await you. Embrace the journey, let go of the past, live in the present and look with hope to the future.
Perspective is your Greatest Teacher
Though often hard to come by, gaining a new point of view is essential to your character development. Try looking at the situation from someone else's point of view with an open mind ready to glean insight and understanding. Having an objective mindset is key to filter the newly gained perspective and its implementation into your life.
Reset Your Default
Stop defaulting back to old habits or poor behavior just because that's how you've always done things or that was what was modeled for you. Live a life of excellence and let that become your default.
The Lies Must Stop
Stop buying into the lie that you will never amount to anything or that there is nothing special about you. You are uniquely created, gifted to carry out a specific purpose and deeply adored. Embrace the truth that you are more than enough and you have greatness in you. Silence the deception and only allow the truth to speak to your heart, mind and soul. Reject the lies, believe the truth.
All Seeds Grow at Different Speeds
I plant many different seeds in my garden, each yielding a different vegetable and harvested at different times. In the same way, all people grow and mature at their own rate, each uniquely different bearing completely different fruit from someone else. Accept the fruit for what is produced and never despise a tomato plant for not producing peppers. Nurture each person according to their own needs and allow them to grow at their own rate.
Mindset Matters
Henry Ford once said, "Whether you think you can, or think you can't- you're right." Although profoundly true, how do we know what hold us back from believing in ourselves? It's our mindset. Self-abasement, even in jest, is an indicator that a mindset shift must take place. When you tear yourself down or belittle your accomplishments and abilities, you are sabotaging yourself and limiting your potential. Embrace who you are, love yourself and believe that you are worthy of love, praise and success.
Be a Part of Something Bigger
Living a life of intention means stepping outside of your 'me' bubble and stepping into a greater vision. Whatever the cause, find a group of like-minded people focused on giving back and bettering the lives of others. Become an instrument of positive change and leave a legacy of love.
Live a Life of Purpose
Stop selling yourself short and burying the gifts, talents and treasures that you have been given. Nurture, train and hone those qualities putting them into practice so that others may benefit from them. You have been created for a wonderful purpose. You are not insignificant, rather quite the opposite; you are important to the lives of others and we need you.
No One is Above You, No One is Beneath You
We are all created equal. When we elevate the honor of someone else above our own, we erroneously diminish our value. Likewise, when we elevate ourselves above someone we deem as 'less than', we unjustly rob them of their value. Money, position or title does not determine our worth. Don't throw your pearls to swine by lowering your value just because of a perceived notion that title automatically makes them better than you. I promise you that the life of the homeless man on the street or the janitor cleaning toilets is just as valuable as the leader of a country or a person with a lot of money. Honor everyone, including yourself.
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Wisdom's Window
I heard this on the radio: When you hold on to anger, it's like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick.
Life should be lived and choices made not by what we feel or want to do, but by what is the right thing to do.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Prverbs 18:21)
Self-abasement, even in jest, is an indicator that a mindset shift must take place. When you tear yourself down or belittle your accomplishments and abilities, you are sabotaging yourself and limiting your potential. Embrace who you are, love yourself and believe that you are worthy of love, praise and success.